Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This is your mission if you choose to accept it!

The Crossfit Wilmette Paleo Challenge Lecture

(In case you were unable to make the Paleo seminar over the weekend, here's the video for you)

If you don't feel amazing all day everyday, have energy crashes throughout the day, hit a road block in your performance progress, want to lose fat and maintain muscle, want to feel and live healthier than you have ever done before or most importantly have any type of Auto-Immune diseases that are inflammation related I highly recommend you give Paleo a shot.

The prevention is the cure and the cure is the prevention!

The 30 Day Paleo Challenge will consist of:

· Best before and after picture
· Biggest percentage of bodyfat/weight lost (need picture time stamped)
· Best food journal
· Biggest improvement of Fight Gone Bad workout

This will start next Monday April 2.

Time to get FIT!